Buying from us for the first time? Below are the answers to the most important questions.

How does this store work?

Roor.ru powereb by the Digiseller.com service. You can buy digital goods with instant delivery at very competitive prices.

Why are goods so cheap?

Many games and other products are much cheaper than at (Steam/UPlay/Origin/GOG/EGS). Please carefully read the description and product reviews from the people who bought this product. In many cases, the seller transfers the account with the game to you. If, under the terms, you cannot change the password and mail of the account, then you must understand that this game is given to you for temporary use. Check out reviews written by other buyers.

If there are a lot of negative reviews, then it is better to buy a license key, which will be only yours. Our store has a lot of license keys that are more expensive than activators and accounts, but still cheaper than buying game in Steam or Epic.

Again. Before buying, read the product description and reviews. If something is not clear to you, then ask the seller before you buy.

How to get discounts?

Many sellers give cumulative discounts to their regular customers. Just buy goods with discount. The discount will be calculated automatically when you purchase.

What are the refunds?

If the seller returned the money to the buyer for the purchased product, then this is a refund.

How to leave a review on the purchased product?

Check the answer below.

How to avoid being scammed?

We cooperate only with trusted sellers who have long been engaged in the sale of digital goods. But if you have any questions or problems after the purchase, please contact the seller in the My purchases section and explain the situation. Steps:

  1. Go to My Shopping

  2. Log in or enter the email address you specified when paying

  3. Select the item you purchased from the list
  4. Choose "Message to seller" tab and describe your problem.
    Please note that on this page you can also get additional information, discount coupons and leave feedback on the purchased goods.

The seller will always try to help you to get a satisfied and regular buyer.

How to sell your products via Roor.ru?

Sign up with Digiseller.com and then submit an offer for the databox agent .

I still have a question

If you have questions about the shop or suggestions for improving it, then you can write to us question@roor.ru

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